Newly released:
Kursk: The Battle of Prokhorovka
America’s Modern Wars: Understanding Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam
Also written by Christopher A. Lawrence (even through he is listed as a “researcher”):
A History of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
Downloads of Articles in the Mystics & Statistics Blog:
Janice B. Fain, “The Lanchester Equations and Historical Warfare: An Analysis of Sixty World War II Land Engagements”
Articles referencing The Dupuy Institute:
- Report on Pre-War Forecasting
- New York Times: Book Notes
- Number of Iraqis Killed in War May Never Be Known : Casualties: One historian puts deaths at 30,000 to 40,000. The Pentagon has no plan to produce a formal estimate.
- Peacekeeping in Bosnia: Fatality Estimates
- Will America Help Russia Reach 2000?
- VOA: Interview with Major General Nicholas Krawciw, 8 March 2003
- How Long A War? Lets Ask
- And now, the war forecast
- Study: Insurgencies like Iraq’s usually fail in 10 years
- Study: Expect Iraq insurgency to last 10 years
- Many see civil war in Iraq whether or not U.S. stays
- Casualties: Low Number, Many Causes
- Lies, Damned Lies and Counterinsurgency
- Six Reasons Insurgencies Lose: A Contrarian View
- Centreville Author Publishes Lessons From Counterinsurgencies
- How Military Historians Are Using Quantitative Analysis — And You Can Too
- Ground breaking analysis of America’s interventions, peacekeeping operations and insurgencies
Trevor N. Dupuy:
- Tellers of Weird Tales: R. Earnest Dupuy (1887-1975)
- West Point 1938
- New York Times: Trevor N. Dupuy
- World Heritage Encyclopedia: Trevor N. Dupuy
- Wikipedia: Trevor N. Dupuy
- Trevor N. Dupuy: Hitler’s Eastern Policy
Nicholas Krawciw:
Wikipedia: Nicholas S. H. Krawciw
Research Papers and Books Referencing TDI and Trevor Dupuy’s Work:
- The Quantified Judgement Model and Historic Ground Combat
- A Note on Dupuy’s QJM and New Square Law
- Virtual Reality
- Distributed Interactive Simulation of Combat
- Democracies at War
- Democracy and Victory: Why Regime Type Hardly Matters
- Analyzing World War II Eastern Front Battles
- Kursk 1943
- Book Review: Normandy 1944
- Panzer Campaigns
- Effects-Based Operations
- Lanchester Models of the Ardennes Campaign
- Fitting Lanchester’s Square Law to the Ardennes Campaign
- The Effect of Battle Circumstances on Fitting Lanchester to the Battle of Kursk
- Against the Panzers
- Fitting Firepower Score Models to the Battle of Kursk Data
- Fitting Lanchester and Other Equations to the Battle of Kursk Data
- Exploring the Validation of Lanchester Equations for the Battle of Kursk
- Fitting Lanchester Equations to the Battles of Kursk and Ardennes
- Fitting Lanchester Models to the Battles of Kursk (and Ardennes)
- Analyzing the Effects of Urban Combat on Daily Casualty Rates
- The Government’s Valuation of Military Life Saving in War: A Cost Minimization Approach
- Quantifying Combat Effects with Spreadsheets
- Gefechtsmodell 2: Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model (TNDM), 1979
- Modern Warfare, Intelligence and Deterrence
- Scouts Out!
- Isolating the Guerilla
- Book Review: Normandy 1944
- Becton: Autobiography of a Soldier and Public Servant
- Reducing Risks in Wartime Through Capital-Labor Substitution: Evidence from World War II
- Wikipedia: Military Simulation