TDI Reports 1992-Present
A-1. Road Map for Developing a Comprehensive Wargame Utilizing Historical Experience and Data (Jun. 1993) (AFSC) – Pages: 13
A-2. Air Model Historical Data Study Phase I Report (Jan. 1995) – Pages: 109
A-3. Air Model Historical Data Study (Statement of Work) (Aug. 1995) – Pages: 30
A-4. Air Model Historical Data Study Final Report (4 volumes) (Sep. 1995) – Pages: 513
A-5. Briefing – Pages: TBD
B-0. Peacekeeping in Bosnia: Preliminary Report (1995) (JCS) – Pages: TBD
B-1. Peacekeeping in Bosnia: Fatality Estimates (Preliminary and Final Reports (Nov. 1995) (JCS) – Pages: 123
BB-1. Tactical Air Battle of Britain Database Users Guide (1 August 2005) (OSD PA&E) – Pages: TBD
C-1. Combat Mortality: Why is Marine Combat Mortality Less than That of the Army? (JCS) (March 1998) (2 Vol.) – Pages: 345
CE-1. Casualty Estimation Methodologies Study (May 2005) (Altarum) (3 Vol.) – Pages: TBD
E-1. Data Base Users Guide for the Capture Rate Study (CAA) – Pages: 25
E-2. List of Candidate Conflicts for the Capture Rate Study (CAA) (2 Vol.) – Pages: 98
E-3. Research Plan (7 Oct. 1998) – Pages: TBD
E-4. Capture Rate Study Phases I and II Final Report (March 6, 2000) (CAA) (2 Vol.) – Pages: 222
E-5. Measuring Human Factors in Combat – Part of the Enemy Prisoner of War Capture Rate Study (August 31, 2000), (CAA) – Pages: 45
E-6. Capture Rate Study: Phase III: Post-World War II Capture Rates (November 10, 2000), (CAA) – Pages: 77
E-7. Capture Rate Study: Phase IV (part 1): Medical Requirement for EPWs (November 17, 2000), (CAA) – Pages: 30
E-8. Capture Rate Study: Phase IV (part 2): EPWs in Small Scale Contingency Operations (March 27, 2001), (CAA) – Pages: 32
FCS-1. Measuring the Effectiveness of the Future Combat Systems (FCS) in the Battle of Kursk (May 2006) (The Boeing Company) – Pages: TBD
FCS-2. Measuring the Effectiveness of the Future Combat Systems (FCS) in the Battle of Kursk – Corps Engagements (July 2006) (The Boeing Company) – Pages: TBD
I-3. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars Task 3: Develop Estimates of Insurgent Force Size (Oct. 2007) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
I-4&7. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars Task 4: Factors that Increase and Decrease Insurgent Recruitment. Task 7: Examination of Government Reforms (Oct. 2007) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
I-5&8. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars: Task 5: External Support, Task 8: Border Controls (Feb. 2008) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
I-6&9. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars: Task 6: Examine Forms of Warfare, Task 9: Study the Leadership, Organization, and Political System (Feb. 2008) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
I-10. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars Task 10: Examination of Rotational Policies (Sept. 2007) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
I-11. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars Task 11: Examine Measurement of Popular Support (Feb. 2008) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
I-12. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars Task 12: Examining the Geographic Aspects of an Insurgency (Feb. 2008) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
I-13. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars Task 13: Insurgent Views of Tactics & Strategy (Feb. 2008) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
I-14. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars Task 14: Final Report (Feb. 2008) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
K-1. Report on Feasibility Study: The Battle of Kursk; Southern Salient; A Validation Data Base (Dec. 1993) (CAA) – Pages: 42
K-2. Appendices for the Report on Feasibility Study: The Battle of Kursk; Southern Salient; A Validation Data Base (Dec. 1993) (CAA) – Pages: 149
K-3. Draft General Study Plan for The Battle of Kursk; Southern Salient: A Validation Data Base (Mar. 1994) (CAA) – Pages: 41
K-4. Draft Data Base Conventions for The Battle of Kursk; Southern Front: A Validation Data Base (Apr. 1994) (CAA) – Pages: 69
K-5. Final User’s Guide for The Battle of Kursk; Southern Front: A Validation Data Base (Jul. 1994) (CAA) – Pages: 106
K-6. Draft User’s Guide for The Battle of Kursk; Southern Front: A Validation Data Base (Aug. 1994) (CAA) – Pages: 83
K-7. Minutes of Russian Research Review Meetings in Moscow during September 1994 for The Battle of Kursk; Southern Front: A Validation Data Base (Oct. 1994) (CAA) – Pages: 113
K-8. Minutes of the Russian Research Review Meetings in Moscow during September 1995 for The Battle of Kursk; Southern Front: A Validation Data Base (Oct. 1995) (CAA) – Pages: 68
K-9. Final Data Base Conventions for The Battle of Kursk; Southern Front: A Validation Data Base (Jul. 1996) (CAA) – Pages: 106
K-10. Final Report for The Battle of Kursk; Southern Front: A Validation Data Base (Sept. 1996) (CAA) – Pages: 144
K-11. Soviet Barriers and Fortifications on the Southern Front Battle of Kursk 4-18 July, 1943: A Supplemental Appendix to the Kursk Data Base (CAA) – Pages: 36
M-1. Military Consequences of Landmine Restrictions (Apr. 1996) (JCS) – Pages: 59
M-2. Military Consequences of Landmine Restrictions (Spring 2000) (VVAF) – Pages: 61
M-3. An Analysis of Rapid Mine Emplacement in a Threat Environment (1 June 2000) (VVAF) – Pages: 89
M-4. Landmines in the 1991 Gulf War: A Survey and Assessment (VVAF) – Pages: 19
M-5. A Brief Survey of Mine Breaching Capabilities (August 23, 2000) (VVAF) – Pages: 23
M-6. The Military Consequences of a Complete Landmine Ban, 11 June 2001 (VVAF) – Pages: 50
M-7. A Measure of the Real-World Value of Mixed Mine Systems, Draft Final, 11 June 2001 (Los Alamos) – Pages: 77
M-8. A Measure of the Real-World Value of Mixed Mine Systems, 20 June 2001 (Los Alamos) – Pages: 82
MISS-1. Users Guide and Final Report of the Modern Insurgency Spread Sheets (MISS) (Jul. 2006) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
MISS-2. Users Guide and Final Report for the Phase III Modern Insurgency Spread Sheets (MISS) (May 2007) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
MISS-3. Users Guide for the Modern Insurgency Spread Sheets (MISS) Phases I-IV (Sept. 2007) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
MISS-4. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Guerilla Wars: Task 23: Final Report (Oct. 2008) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
MISS-5. Examination of Factors Influencing the Conduct of Operations in Irregular Conflicts: Task 27: Final Report (Aug. 2009) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
MWA-1. The Historical Combat Effectiveness of Lighter-Weight Armored Forces, Draft Final, 6 August 2001 (CAA) – Pages: 113
MWA-2. The Historical Combat Effectiveness of Lighter-Weight Armored Forces, 6 August 2001 (CAA) – Pages: 121
OSD-1. The Applicability of “Classical†Counterinsurgency Theory to Counterinsurgency Operations (Jan. 2008) (Office of the Secretary of Defense – Net Assessment) – Pages: TBD
OTI-1. The Analysis of the Historical Effectiveness of Different Counterinsurgency Tactics and Strategies (Mar. 2008) (2 Vols) – Pages: TBD
P-1. An Examination of the Vulnerabilities and Strengths of Pennsylvania Military Bases Relative to the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Commission Action (Jun. 2003) (PA Department of Community and Economic Development) – Pages: TBD
P-2. Pennsylvania: Corridor of Logistics Excellence (1 August 2004) (by Rear Admiral James Miller (SC, USN, ret) and Col. Jerry Warnement (USA, ret) for The Dupuy Institute) – Pages: TBD
P-3. Regional Joint Readiness Center: A Value-Added Regional Resource (May 2005) (The Military Affairs Council of Western Pennsylvania) – Pages: TBD
R-1. US Army Records Survey (Sept. 1998 – March 1999) (RMDA)- Pages: 38
R-2. Records Management Survey Meeting (Oct. 20, 1998) (RMDA) – Pages: 117
R-3. War Records Workshop (March 23, 1999) (RMDA) – Pages: 68
R-4. US Army Force XXI Records Analysis (7/99 – 3/00) (RMDA) – Pages: 32
R-5. Analysis of US Army Force XII Record Keeping (Slides) (May 2000) (RMDA) – Pages: 11
R-6. Final Report for the Test Record Redesign Matrix (June 15, 2000) (RMDA) – Pages: 74
SA-1. Measuring the Value of Situational Awareness (May 2004) (Office of the Secretary of Defense Net Assessment) (2 Vol) – Pages: TBD
SR-1. Soviet/Russian Influence on Chinese Military Doctrine (Jul. 2003) (Office of the Secretary of Defense Net Assessment) – Pages: TBD
SS-1. An Analysis of the 1969 Sino-Soviet Conflict (Aug. 2006) (CAA) – Pages: TBD
SU-1. Small Unit Engagement Data Base and Revised QJM Calculation Factors, Final Report (7 June 2011) (Boeing) – Pages: TBD RESTRICTED*
T-1. Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model (TNDM) Manual of Rules and Procedures (Provisional) (May 1992) – Pages: 127 RESTRICTED*
T-2. Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model (TNDM) User’s Guide (May 1992) – Pages: 116 RESTRICTED*
T-3. Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model (TNDM) User’s Guide (Oct. 1992) – Pages: 129 RESTRICTED*
T-4. Use of the Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model in Analysis of a National Amphibious Operation (Apr. 1993) (SPA) – Pages: 83
T-5. The Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model (TNDM) A General Theoretical Description and Hardware and Software requirements (Oct. 1994) – Pages: 14
T-6. Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model (TNDM) Manual of Rules and Procedures (Provisional) (Oct. 1994) – Pages: 130 RESTRICTED*
T-7. Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model (TNDM) User’s Guide (Oct. 1994) – Pages: 130 RESTRICTED*
U-1. Measuring the Effects of Combat in Cities, Phase I (Jan. 11, 2002) (CAA) – Pages: 139
U-2. Measuring the Effects of Combat in Cities, Phase II (30 June 2003) (CAA) – Pages: 134 RESTRICTED
U-3. Measuring the Effects of Combat in Cities, Phase III (31 July 2004) (CAA) – Pages: 322
*Only available to individuals and organizations purchasing the right to use the TNDM.