Just an update on the Russian economy:
- Drop in 2015: -3.7%
- Estimated drop in 2016: -1.8%
- Budget deficit:
- 2.6% of GDP in 2015
- 3% of GDP in 2016 if oil prices remain at $40 a barrel (now hovering around $50).
- Ruble to dollars exchange rate: 64-to-1 (used to be less than 30-to-1)
- Elections for Duma this year (no surprises are expected)
A few interesting articles
- Nice summary: Why Russia’s economy may be on hold before elections
- A more positive article: Russia is coming back strong from the oil collapse
- An article addressing the behind the scenes dynamics on economic policy: Rival Kremlin camps prepare for battle over economy
- Article on budget from Forbes: Russia needs a budget miracle
The claim in the first article that Russia is the world’s tenth largest economy is probably no longer correct. In 2014, according to World Bank and the United Nations, it was the tenth largest economy with a GDP of 1,860,598 or 1,849,940 million U.S. dollars (two different sets of figures). This put it behind India and ahead of Canada ($1,785,387 in both sets of figures). In 2015 the IMF figures put the Russian economy at $1,324,734, which put it twelfth on the list, behind Canada (1,552,386) and South Korea (1,376,868). Hard to say if these figures factored in all the drama of 2015 (ruble dropping by more than half and the economy shrinking by 3.7%). Pretty certain Russia is no longer among the ten largest economies in 2016. Just for comparison, according to the IMF the United States economy was $17,947,000 in 2015.