This link below is a book review of War by Numbers published in the Army University Press. It was published in 2017 (the same year the book came out): War by Numbers. It just got forwarded to me by an associate but I have been aware of this favorable review for a while.
Of course, in the real world I get lots of review, some are favorable, some are very unfavorable, and some are in between. I have never published or commented on them for obvious reasons. I have since met some of the reviewers. In this case, I have never met and am not familiar with this reviewer, Frederick A. Baillergeon. What got my attention was that he was out in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. That is the center of the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College (C&GS). This has also traditionally been the center of anti-Dupuy anti-QJM writings, with some senior people there having had an openly hostile relationship with Trevor Dupuy. A number of students there also took exception to the claims made by Trevor Dupuy that the German divisions in Italy in from late 1943 to mid-1944 were more competent (had a higher CEV) than the American and UK divisions. This actually led to a number of books trying dispute this, not that they really succeeded (Dupuy’s claims were based upon data… their refutations were not).
I did get an email a few months ago from a lady apologizing for a negative review of War by Numbers that her brother wrote. She felt it was wrong and written out of animus. Every now and then people do something that make you realize that the vast majority of people are really decent, even if a few “scholars” are not.
Anyhow, this was a nice review by Mr. Baillergeon. It is clear that he knew his subject and had read the book carefully.
Chris, that is a well-written review (and positive concerning both you and Trevor).
This is all that I see online concerning the reviewer:
Field Marshal William Slim And The Power Of Leadership
by Major Frederick A. Baillergeon
Frederick Baillergeon is 66 years old and was born on 12/01/1958 (and thus his review is respectful of his elders : – ) Previous to Frederick’s current city of Lansing, KS, Frederick Baillergeon lived at Fort Leavenworth, KS and Fort Benning, GA. His ethnicity is African American; his religious views are listed as Christian. Seems that he was associated with Heroes of Faith Ministries (Columbus, GA).