There are some daily medical reports in the files that I have (T354, R605, the II SS Pz Corps). Sometimes they provide a list of names and the units they are with. Sometimes this list is readable. Let me list the ones that are clearly reported with an SS panzer regiment up through 28 July 1943. An examination of the originals (which are in Freiburg) might add some more names.
Date Status Rank Name Unit
4.7-5.7 Wounded SS-Ustuf. Wittman Zugf. Pz. Rgt./LSSAH
7.7-8.7 Killed SS-Ostuf. Pense 9. Pz. Kp. S-DR
12.7-13.7 Wounded SS-Ustuf. v. Kleist 3./Pz.Rgt SS-T
12.7-13.7 Wounded SS-Ustuf. Schwieger 6./Pz.Rgt. SS-T
12.7-13.7 Wounded SS-Ustuf. Koerner NZ I/Pz.Rgt. SS-T
15.7-16.7 Killed SS-Ustuf. Weisenhelter II./Pz.Rgt. SS-DR
15.7-16.7 Killed SS-Ustuf. Envelka 5./Pz.Rgt. SS-DR
19.7-20.7 Killed SS-Ustuf. Koehler Pz.Regt. 3 SS-T
19.7-20.7 Killed SS-Ustuf. Schroeder Pz. Rgt. 3 SS-T
Because of the poor quality of my copies, please do not take the list as definitive or correct. It is illustrative of the data that is available. An examination of the personnel files in Berlin, as Nikals Zetterling has suggested, may be far more productive.
SS-Ustuf: is Untersturmfuehrer or a “junior assault leader” or the equivalent to a second lieutenant.
SS-Ostuf is Obersturmfuehrer or a “senior assault leader” or the equivalent to a first lieutenant.
This post is done is response to Niklas Zetterling’s comments on this blog post: Summation of Argument on LSSAH PzRgt Organization in July 1943 | Mystics & Statistics (