This discussion on Prokhorovka has been going on for a few weeks. It has included a collection of well thought out comments from Dr. Ben Wheatley. These are worth reading, so please scroll down to the comments at the end of each article. Let’s take a moment and account for what are the open issues:
1. Did the attack start at 0830 or 1000?
Now, I think Dr. Wheatley, based upon Roman Toeppel’s speculation, favors 1000. The documentation is pretty clear on this. The weight of the evidence leans towards at 0830 start time, including a reading of Ribbentrop’s and Schuele’s post-war accounts.
2. Was there one or two tank brigades in the initial attack that hit the tank ditch (32nd and 31st)?
So did the Soviet 31st Tank Brigade attack on the morning of 12 July 1943?
I think as it was a typical Soviet echeloned attack, it was only initially the 32nd Tank Brigade. The 31st Tank Brigade may never have gotten that far.
3. Did the attack on the tank ditch occur in the morning or after 1300 (Moscow time)?
Was the Tank Ditch encountered in the morning, the afternoon, or both?
I think it occurred in the morning. Someone probably needs to talk to Zamulin and find out why he thinks it occurred in the afternoon (and what his sources are).
4. Were there other tank units in LSSAH Division besides the 3 companies of II Panzer Bn and the Tiger company of 4 tanks?
I am pretty certain there was at least additional medium panzer company, as there is no way the organization works out for LSSAH Panzer Regiment otherwise. They had more tanks than the other two SS panzer grenadier divisions, and both of those had two battalions. Dr. Wheatley does have them with an 8th medium panzer company, but mysteriously disappears it before the battle. I think there was either an 8th medium panzer company or an ersatz panzer battalion (like Das Reich has done).
5. Who all was facing XVIII Tank Corps attack?
Some accounts seem to have gotten a little fanciful in this discussion. It is clear that there was a number of other battalions in the area, and probably other armor (including StuG IIIs and Marders).
6. What other tanks and tank-like vehicles were engaged:
7. Where were the 181st and 170th Tank Brigades?
Where were the 181st and 170th Tank Brigades on 12 July 1943?
8. Did the events we are discussing even occur as they are claimed?
Ben Wheatley did post up a third post-war account of the tank ditch story, which is good. The actions of the Tiger company appears to be based upon one post-war account. Now Dr. Wheatley’s work with the photo recon pictures may help confirm the veracity of these stories.
And the post that started this latest round of discussion:
And the previous summation post that lists 9 other blog posts:
And this summary is 7 blog posts is worth looking at: